You’ve probably heard of the keto diet online, in the news, and popularized by celebrities. 

You’ll lose weight on this diet because your body was designed to use ketones and fatty acids for energy very efficiently. 

I will walk you through what the keto diet is, and how it works in your body.

Then you can decide if you think it's the right choice for you.

Let’s jump in!

What Is Keto Diet?

The keto diet, also known as the ketogenic diet or ketosis, is high in quality fats, low in net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) and has a moderate level of protein. 

This diet has been used in four randomized studies that have proven its benefits for neurological health…

And as a popular side effect...weight loss!

It was originally developed in the 1940s to treat epilepsy but was popularized in the 1990s when the Charlie Foundation was established and promoted its neurological benefits. 

They key to this diet is its macros, the keto diet is high in fats, moderate in protein and low in carbohydrates.

This diet's macros allow your body to switch from using carb’s (converted into glycogen in your liver) for energy, to using fat (converted into fatty acids and ketone bodies in your liver) for energy. 

Your body can take from several days up to a week, to get into fat burning mode, or ketosis.

Here is a supplement that I recommend to speed up your body’s process to get you burning your stored fat for energy much more quickly:


An initial fat burning supplement like the one I've recommended above is temporary.

So once your body is in ketosis, then switch to a good MCT Oil in your coffee and drinks to maintain it:

Your body is like a hybrid vehicle, relying on either carbohydrates or fat for fuel. 

This is where very efficient fat loss comes into play.

Your body was designed to burn fat for energy, and does it well. 

And if fat loss is your goal, then this energy pathway uses the one thing you’re trying to eliminate...


And uses it as your primary energy source all day long.

It’s the ultimate win-win!

Consuming fat for energy allows your body to access hundreds of thousands of calories of your stored fats.

Fat you have stored as belly fat, arm fat, face fat, basically fat located all over your entire body. 

It is the same fat that was locked away during your carb metabolism, when excess carbs were eaten. 

Your body is like a hybrid vehicle, relying on either carbohydrates or fat for fuel

In addition to burning stored fat and supercharging weight loss, the keto diet produces a clean burning metabolic fuel that has many benefits:

  • Reduces inflammation in your body
  • Fat makes you feel fuller (so you’ll eat less)
  • Low carb diets typically help reduce harmful belly fat
  • If followed properly the pounds will stay off long-term

The typical ratio your body needs to switch over to this fat burning system is 70% fat, 20% protein, and 10% carbs. 

It’s truly a low carb diet.

My recommendation for you, if you do try this, is to consume those carbs in high nutrient vegetables, like kale, spinach, and collard greens. 

You’ll be able to eat more food, and they’ll deliver the fiber and nutrients your body needs to perform at it’s best.

The biggest downfall of the keto diet is that you must count your macros daily in order to stay in ketosis, or fat burning mode, in order to continue using your stored fat as energy. 

This has proven challenging to maintain for people with busy lifestyles, or people who struggle with the motivation to stick to diets that require complicated planning.

If losing weight quickly interests you...

and you don’t want the hassle of counting macros everyday...

or having to worry about planning your meals out in perfect percentages day-in and day-out...

then my FoodFIT weight loss program may be just the perfect program for you.

What is the FoodFIT 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge?

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off...

I can almost guarantee some degree of inflammation exists in your body...

which makes it incredibly hard for you to lose weight!

Fortunately, you can reduce your inflammation by reducing or eliminating starchy carbs and other sugars from your diet...

which is exactly what the FoodFIT 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge was designed to do.

I created my FoodFIT 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge for people just like you...

people who have tried absolutely everything...

but still can’t seem to shed the pounds or keep them off.

My Challenge comes with step-by-step instructions for all three weeks, so there’s zero guesswork involved.

And don’t worry—you won’t have to count calories, or fat grams...

and you don’t even need to exercise to lose up to 21 lbs in just 21 days!

If you have more weight to lose, the FoodFit 21 Day Fat Loss Challenge can be repeated as many times as you want (at no extra cost to you)...

so you can reach your weight loss goals quickly with my simple weight loss program.

About the Author Cheryl

I'm a simple, healthy, tasty recipe creator. I started cooking delicious recipes for healthy living when I was working on healing my gut, and discovered a world of yumminess I never knew existed. I now dream about new concoctions, and cook almost every day. I love sharing my passion for eating good food with you.

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Jumpstart your metabolism with my FOODFIT 21-day Healthy Body Reset.

You will significantly reduce inflammation, start sleeping better, begin losing stubborn weight, improve your mood, and feel more energized.

Re-boot your metabolism

Lose fat while feeling energized and ready to take on each day.

Learn about habit change

Feel relaxed and in control of your choices to create lasting change.

Tackle light exercise

Enable fat loss, and boost results with easy, light exercise.

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