Do you have itchy, scaly skin that’s driving you crazy? Are you embarrassed by red patches on your scalp, hands, face and body? Do you wish you could get rid of your skin condition quickly and naturally?

Well, you may have a chronic autoimmune condition called Psoriasis. Let’s take a closer look at this crummy condition and see what we can do to get you feeling better.

As I’ve mentioned before, I also suffered from an autoimmune disease and was able to recover into a pretty vibrant and healthy state. I’m truly loving life and feeling pretty darn grateful!

I achieved it all by following an anti-inflammatory diet. 

What I’ve found out so far is that Psoriasis is a condition that affects approximately 7.5 million Americans. That’s a lot of suffering!

If you’re asking yourself, why does this chick care about Psoriasis?!

Here’s why.

I’m on a mission to pay forward the healing I received after a friend told me about the anti-inflammatory diet which saved my life. My plan is to do that by reaching out to other autoimmune sufferers, and sharing the incredible diet that was created for autoimmune conditions just like Psoriasis.

So let’s get right to it!

Okay, so Psoriasis occurs when T-cells (a component of your normal immune response) are signaled into action, and due to a misdirection by your immune system, go into  hyperdrive and start attacking your skin.

The T-cells start going after the cells on your skin pretty aggressively, which causes swelling, and ultimately causes your skin cells to turnover way too quickly. The turnover rate happens in a matter of days instead of weeks.

The result is skin that is itchy, has scales and red patches. Sounds like they can be painful too.

Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can vary in degree of symptoms. Some people may just have a few dandruff-like scales, and some people could have major rash eruptions that cover more than 10% of their bodies.

Like with other types of autoimmune diseases, the symptoms could flare up for a period of time, then go away for a period of time. This is a cycle that repeats over, and over, and over.

Here is a list of more specific symptoms you may be experiencing:

  • Skin that is so dry that it is cracking
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Soreness
  • Swollen and stiff joint
  • Spots that are small and scaling
  • Red patches of skin that are thick and covered in silver scales
  • Nails that have grown thick, become pitted or are ridged

Okay, so you’ve read over the symptoms and you think you may have Psoriasis. When should you get checked out by your doctor?

You should definitely go if you have tried over the counter creams or shampoos and your symptoms are getting worse, or not getting better at all.

Here are some specific things your doctor will want to know?

  1. Is the skin condition causing you pain and/or discomfort?
  2. Are you having difficulty performing your everyday tasks or chores?
  3. Have you begun to get very concerned about the appearance of your skin?
  4. Are you experiencing any joint pain, swelling and is it causing you to have trouble performing everyday tasks or chores?

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

There are no specific diagnostic tools, including blood tests, to determine whether or not you have Psoriasis.

Just good ol’ fashioned examination by a licensed Dermatologist. Your primary physician may take a look and make a diagnostic call, but Dermatologist’s are the most experienced diagnosticians.

The Dermatologist will simply examine your rash and the affected areas to determine if there is skin thickening developing, as well as any inflammation. 

If your doctor does take a skin sample, the skin thickness and inflammation will typically be much greater under a microscope then when compared to other skin disorders like eczema.

The last piece of info that your doctor will want to know is if Psoriasis runs in your family. It is estimated that approximately 30% of people with Psoriasis also have a family member that suffers from it.

How Do You Get Psoriasis?

Just like with all of the autoimmune diseases, doctors have no idea what causes them. 

They do suspect certain things that may trigger Psoriasis though. 

Things that may trigger your Psoriasis

  • Alcohol 
  • Certain types of infections like Strep or a skin infection
  • Medications like for high blood pressure, antimalarial drugs, bipolar drugs, or iodides
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Vitamin D Deficiency
  • You could also be at a greater risk for getting Psoriasis based on genetics (family history of Psoriasis), or if you are suffering from obesity.

Psoriasis is definitely not contagious. So that is great news!

Guys and gals both are diagnosed with Psoriasis about the same rate, so sex isn’t a factor here. It does appear to affect more Caucasians than African Americans though, but by only a small percent.

Diagnosis of Psoriasis generally occurs between the ages of 15-35, but any person can get it at any age. It’s just less likely. 

There are two kinds of Physicians, well way more than that...but two in terms of what I’m going to say. There are more conventional doctors and there are more natural doctors. Naturopaths are physicians that have extra training in nutrition, and chiropractor-like adjustments. 

Some expert Naturopaths have found some contributing factors in their patients that have developed Psoriasis. 

Naturopathic Physicians List of Potential Causes:

  • Abnormal Small Intestine Permeability
  • Emotional Stress
  • Genetics
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Overactive Immune System
  • Poor Liver Function
  • Poor Diet
  • Vitamin D Deficiency

What Does Psoriasis Look Like? + Picture of Psoriasis

Psoriasis most likely will appear on your scalp, knees or elbows, but can appear on other parts of your body as well. 

The images above reflect the red, rough, thickening of the skin often seen in Psoriasis. It is possible that the patches that occur on your skin may crack and bleed.

What are the Different Types of Psoriasis?

There are several different types of Psoriasis. Let’s take a closer look at them.

  1. Plaque Psoriasis (the most common). The rash gets a silver/white buildup on top of the red, raised patches of dead skin. This type of Psoriasis often affects the scalp, knees, lower back and elbows. Symptoms you may experience are pain, itchiness, cracking and bleeding.
  2.  Guttate Psoriasis affects spproximately 10 percent of sufferers. The rash appears in dot-like lesions that are small. This type is seen often in younger patients and is thought to be potentially triggered by a bout of strep throat. 
  3. The next type of Psoriasis often appears with another type of Psoriasis that is occuring in a different location on your body. It is called Inverse Psoriasis. It appears in super red lesions in places like behind your knee, under your arm or in your groin area. The patches will look smooth and shiny. 
  4. Pustular Psoriasis appears in white blisters that are filled with pus. It is not an infection, and it is not contagious. It can show up anywhere on your body, but it mostly appears on your feet or hands. 
  5. The last type is called Erythrodermic Psoriasis, which is pretty severe and causes fiery redness all over most of your body. It is super rare and typically only affects people with Plaque Psoriasis, and only when that type becomes unstable. This Psoriasis causes pretty severe itching and is painful. The skin actually starts coming off in sheets. 

How Severe is my Psoriasis?

First, your doctor is going to look to see what percent of your body is covered with Psoriasis. Then, he/she will have a discussion with you to determine the quality of life you’re experiencing while living with Psoriasis.

Touching on the whole quality of life thing, your doctor is going to evaluate how having Psoriasis on your hands or feet, or in any location could affect your daily work. For Example: Do you need to use your hands everyday to make a living? 

That sort of thing.

Then they will determine the severity and what types of medical treatment they can prescribe in order to bring you some relief from your symptoms. 

There are basically three levels of severity, mild, moderate or severe. Let’s unwrap each of those further.


In this level, Psoriasis covers less than 3% of your body. The type of treatment will coincide with the mildness of your symptoms. The doctor will most likely begin treatment with over the counter remedies that are more mild in nature than prescription pharmaceuticals.


In this level, Psoriasis covers between 3-10% of your body. The type of treatment for this level will most likely involve some kind of phototherapy, plus prescription medication.


In this level, Psoriasis covers more than 10% of your body. The type of treatment for severe Psoriasis could involve a type of pharmaceutical called a biologic. It is a more aggressive prescription medication. Plus, some form of phototherapy.

Where Can I Get Psoriasis? + Picture of Psoriasis Locations

As you can see in the chart above, Psoriasis can pretty much show up anywhere on your body. It can also affect your skin folds, eyelids, lips, hands and feet.

Let’s dive into some of the more common areas where you could experience Psoriasis.


Psoriasis on the face needs to be treated carefully because the skin there is very delicate. Psoriasis will typically show up on your hairline, in your eyebrows, or maybe even between your nose and upper lip.

Hands, Feet and Nails

If you start getting Psoriasis on your hands, feet or in your nails then you need to see your doctor right away. It’s important these areas be treated ASAP according to my online research. These areas are also delicate, so your doctor will want to treat these areas very carefully. You could start seeing blistering or swelling and 50% of people with Psoriasis experience nail issues. 


Obviously this area requires special care. The most common type of Psoriasis that shows up in this region is called Inverse Psoriasis. 


Psoriasis in this area will be on your hairline, the back of your neck and around your ears. A large percent of people with Psoriasis have it on their scalp. If you have Psoriasis on your hairline, it could grow and extend onto your forehead. This location of Psoriasis could vary in level of severity. It could just be a few minor flakes, or it could be a thick crusty plaque that covers your entire scalp area.

Skin Folds

This type of Psoriasis is aggravated by sweating or rubbing certain areas like in the fold under your breasts, or in your armpits. The type of Psoriasis in your skin folds is called Inverse Psoriasis.

Psoriatic Arthritis

This type of arthritis can cause permanent bone damage. So, even if it is mild, it’s very important to talk to your doctor about any joint issues you may be experiencing.

It is estimated that about 30% of people that are diagnosed with Psoriasis will also develop Psoriatic Arthritis. Get it checked out right away!

Currently only about 11% of Psoriasis patients have been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis. Doctor’s think this is because patients are experiencing symptoms, maybe mild symptoms, and not getting them checked out. 

Bottom line here, is that it is believed to be going largely undiagnosed.

What is the Best Treatment for Psoriasis?


Conventional treatments for Psoriasis rely solely on prescription medications (whether they be topical, in pill form, or administered to you in a shot), or different types of phototherapy.

Depending on the severity of your Psoriasis, your doctor could use one form of treatment, or several. If you have very severe Psoriasis, meaning it covers more than 10% of your body and is impacting the quality of your life pretty substantially, your doctor could prescribe topical creams, plus phototherapy, plus immunosuppressive medication.


Natural treatments are designed to resolve the root of the  problem. Whereas conventional treatment, focus more on making the disease symptoms more manageable for you on a day to day basis.

Your Naturopath will want you to reduce your stress, drink lots of water and use natural based topical creams and oils. 

Their main focus for you though, will be on you eating a highly nutritious, clean and wholesome diet.

That brings me nicely to my next topic, a diet plan for Psoriasis.

Is There a Special diet for Psoriasis?

A Psoriasis diet is ultimately an anti inflammatory diet. This type of diet can help you heal your digestive tract, which in turn will lower your inflammation. That singular result will help end your suffering with Psoriasis symptoms, including any Psoriatic Arthritis you may be experiencing.

Anti-inflammatory Diets

The anti-inflammatory diets that I recommend are Specific Carbohydrate (that’s the one I followed), Paleo, and GAPs.

Here's a link to my blog post about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet.


I don’t personally use a ton of supplements. I feel if you are eating very well 100% of the time you most likely don’t need a bunch of extra supplements.

However, I do take Omega 3 fish oil, Curcumin (Turmeric) and very concentrated liquid minerals called Concentrace. I love all of them because I saw results pretty quickly from using them, like lower inflammation from the fish oil and Curcumin and much thicker, healthier hair from the liquid minerals.

Is There a Cure for Psoriasis?

I believe that the human body is absolutely amazing. We know that it is self healing because every time we get a scrape, bruise or cut our bodies jump all over it and heal it naturally. That is what gave me hope when I was sick. 

I knew that if my body could heal my broken foot after I dropped a coffee table on it while moving my living room furniture around, that I had a shot at recovering from an autoimmune disease. 

I was a Science major in college and studied Anatomy & Physiology and Nutrition. One thing that is talked about frequently is a thing called homeostasis which is basically a state of internal balance involving all of the stuff going on inside your body. It’s pretty incredible and your body wants it! It needs it!

So I guess the real question is whether or not your body can get back into a state of internal balance naturally.

I cannot legally answer that question for you. But I can tell you an anti-inflammatory diet transformed my health. 

Give it a shot and find out if you can answer that question based on your own experience.

Now the next thing that I want to mention isn’t about if there is or isn’t a cure, but more about why you may desire one. 

Besides all of the crummy physical symptoms, you could be experiencing some pretty heavy emotional symptoms.

I had a definite sense of feeling broken. Perhaps you’re feeling inadequate, unloveable, or even frightened about your future. Believe me, I had all of those feelings.

A lot of time your doctor doesn’t address those symptoms as part of the disease. So, it’s just something that a person may feel like they have to battle in secret.

But the fact is that those feelings are real. And I think it’s okay to be open, talk about them, then find ways to heal emotionally. 

Psoriasis doesn’t just affect your skin it can affect your self-esteem.

It is a condition that you cannot keep private from the world, which makes it pretty tough. It can also affect your relationships, both socially and sexually. 

Your “business” is out on display, it may be on your scalp, your face, and your hands. And that seems to make it okay for anybody out there to make judgements about it.

I had some skin issues when I was really sick and it was horrible! I felt like everybody was staring at my face. I had an eye thing too for a little while. It was all pretty embarrassing! 

People were literally whispering to each other about me. I’m sure it wasn’t mean, it was more like OMG that’s gross, what’s wrong with her? etc.

I may have ad libbed a little there...LOL But, it did happen. 

Anyway, let's get back on track.

With the proper emotional care, I think that you most definitely can heal. 

Well that’s it for me today. I learned a ton about Psoriasis and I hope I helped you in some small way. Please feel free to share this with a friend that may be suffering from Psoriasis.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns please comment below and I’ll get right back to you.

Have a wonderful and blessed day,


About the Author Cheryl

I'm a simple, healthy, tasty recipe creator. I started cooking delicious recipes for healthy living when I was working on healing my gut, and discovered a world of yumminess I never knew existed. I now dream about new concoctions, and cook almost every day. I love sharing my passion for eating good food with you.

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